Advent Music & Storytelling with Kathleen Basi

Presented by the SMOS Music Ministry

Date: Sunday, December 1, 2024 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic Church – 3864 Flad Ave, Saint Louis, 63110, United States

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Please join us to kick-off the first Sunday in Advent for “Stories Of Our Faith” – a spiritual holiday event hosted by the SMOS Music Ministry . The program starts at 2:00pm on Sunday, December 1 at St. Margaret’s Church.

This festive reflection will be led by Kathleen Basi. Kathleen Basi is a published novelist, award-winning liturgical composer, nature lover, hobby photographer, speaker, wife, and mother of three boys and one chromosomally-gifted daughter. (In other words, she is very, very busy!) Her music for Catholic worship is available through GIA, OCP, and SLM, and her song, “Come, All You Thirsty,” won the Association of Catholic Publishers’ 2022 Song of the Year. Her first novel, “A Song for the Road,” is the story of a church musician on a cross-country road trip to honor her lost family. She comes to us for this night as part of her ministry, Intentional Catholic, which seeks to help us connect our Catholic faith to the real, practical situations of daily life. Through song, story, and reflection, we’ll explore what it means to “prepare” ourselves to receive Jesus into our hearts. 

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