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A New Week – April 14, 2024

Since 1995, Aquinas Institute of Theology, a Graduate School of Theology in the Dominican Tradition, located on the campus of St. Louis University, has given the Great Preacher Award to a person who embodies holy preaching and proclaims, in word and deed, the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the coming and presence of the reign of God. Past recipients include such notables as Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, Bishop Robert Barron, and Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski. I was honored with the Great Preacher Award in 2016 and Fr. Matthew O’Toole, our previous pastor, was honored in 2018. This year, for the first time ever, the Great Preacher Award will be given not to an individual, but to a group, and that group is the St. Margaret of Scotland Music Ministry! I am so delighted that our music ministry will receive this honor, as it recognizes that preaching comes not just from the ordained, but from those the Spirit anoints, and that preaching happens not just in word, but also in music and song. All of us at St. Margaret can affirm and attest that our music ministry has absolutely proclaimed the Word of God in a most excellent way and has made God present in our assembly and our worship.   

When I first came to St. Margaret, I would say that we had arguably the best music in the Archdiocese. Now I’ve dropped the “arguably” and just say that our music is the best! This is a testimony to the dedicated work and ministry over many years of Peter Hesed, our Director of Music Emeritus, and now Orin Johnson, our Director of Music & Liturgy, assisted by Teri Meredith, our former choir director, and Steve Neale, our current choir director. Dozens of talented choir members, musicians, and cantors make our music come alive week after week, year after year, and their ministry helps us all lift our hearts, minds, and voices in praise of Almighty God.  Thanks and congratulations to all of them!

Our St. Margaret of Scotland Music Ministry will be honored with the Great Preacher Award (along with Fr. Chris Martin, the Vicar for Parish Mission & Vitality of the Archdiocese of St. Louis) at the Great Preacher Award Banquet at the Frontenac Hilton on Thursday, November 16. All are invited and encouraged to attend. The Great Preacher Award is a major fundraiser for Aquinas Institute, and there will be opportunities for sponsorship and tables offered later this year. I hope that the parishioners and organizations of St. Margaret of Scotland will honor our Music Ministry by participating, sponsoring, and attending the Great Preacher Award this November. For now, save the date!

I’d like to offer a word of congratulations to our parishioner and school parent Delaney Clement, who was recently appointed the Chief Operating Officer for the Archdiocese of St. Louis. In this new role, Delaney will assist Archbishop Rozanski in overseeing much of the daily operations of the Archdiocese, including the Office of Catholic Education & Formation, Stewardship and the Annual Catholic Appeal, Communications and the St. Louis Review, and others. Congratulations to Delaney, and God’s blessings on your work for the Archdiocese of St. Louis!

Congratulations also to parishioner, school parent, and School Board member Ian Mulligan, who was recently appointed President of St. John Vianney High School after previously serving at principal of the school. Ian, blessings on your work and ministry with our Catholic high school students! Ian and his wife Lisa are once again our parish chairs for the Annual Catholic Appeal, and you will hear from them in the weeks to come. Speaking of the Annual Catholic Appeal, all parishioners should be receiving their pledge cards in the mail these days. Please prayerfully make your pledge and return your card to the parish.  Thanks for your generosity!

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