A New Week – December 22, 2024

4th Sunday of Advent

by Fr. John Vien, Pastor

~ Merry Christmas, one and all! This Christmas is a special one for all of us at St. Margaret of Scotland, as we celebrate the 125th Anniversary of our parish. The first Mass at St. Margaret of Scotland was on Christmas, 1899, and the first Mass in this Church was on Christmas, 1906, so the Christmas season is especially festive for us; indeed, the Nativity and Epiphany paintings in our sanctuary remind us that “It is always Christmas at St. Margaret of Scotland!”  

We welcome Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski to St. Margaret of Scotland for our 10:00pm Mass on Christmas Eve, and we welcome everyone who joins us at St. Margaret during these Christmas days! Welcome to our college students and young adults home for the holidays. Welcome to visitors from other faith traditions.  Welcome to guests from across town or across the country.  Welcome to those Catholics who are not often here with us.  Welcome to those parishioners and friends we see week after week.  It is good for all of us to be together!  Whoever you are, you are always welcome at St. Margaret of Scotland!

While we gather at Church and with family and friends with great joy these days, the Christmas holidays are also difficult for many people. Let us pray for all who may be suffering or hurting during these days, and let us pray that the Christ-child makes us more compassionate to those in need, especially those who are closest to us. What might be on the hearts of others around us during these holidays? Consider and pray for…

· Those who are approaching their first Christmas after the death of someone whom they dearly loved.

· Those who come to Christmas to celebrate the Word made flesh, knowing that cancer or some other disease has invaded their own flesh.

· Those who, advanced in age, live in fear that this will be their last Christmas in their own home, still able to live life in their own way.

· Those who struggle to make Christmas something their children will always remember but it only adds to the mounting worry about bills that cannot be paid.

· Those who came to this country, desperate to find a new life, and who now live in fear that everything might be lost.

· Those who want to live in the freedom of Christ but are still held captive by addiction.

· Those who try to spread holiday cheer and comfort, all the while returning to homes marred by discord and distrust.

· Those who are alienated from their family and friends, cut off from the people meant to give them life.

· Those who think that they are alone in struggling with unbelief and with questions about their faith.

· Those who are not here in the parish on other Sundays because it has never been a place of welcome or comfort for them.

God sent his Son to be born of Mary so that he could know and share in our humanity.  Nothing that is human is foreign to God! God knows our struggles well! To all who are in any way hurting during these holidays, may you find joy, and may you take comfort in the God who came to be with us. Merry Christmas!

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