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SMOS Racism Reflection IX

The following concludes our series of reflections on our Parish Statement on Racism.

Let us read these words with care, discern how God calls us, and allow ourselves to be moved to action: “We write this letter in solidarity with all those who have been exploited by personal and systemic racism since before the founding of our country. As Catholics seeking to fully live the Gospel, we are obliged to work to defend the dignity of the human person by eliminating racism in all forms. We will publish lists of actions to fulfill this obligation. We encourage fellow parishioners to add their energy and ideas to the ongoing work of the Living Justice Ministry’s Racial Equity Team. With resolve and with hope, we dedicate ourselves to this necessary work. May the life and words of Jesus be our inspiration and our Hope as we spread His Gospel of Love.” (from St. Margaret of Scotland Parish Statement Against Racism)

And, so we invite you to prayerfully reflect on this call in our Statement Against Racism

Here are some ways to take action:

Over the course of nine weeks, the SMOS Living Justice Ministry – Racial Equity Team will present reflections from various parishioners on the Parish Statement on Racism.  To read more about the Statement, please go to the front page of the Parish website at

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