“Chiefs Come from the East to See Jesus and His Parents”
This is Fr. John Giuliani’s depiction of the three wise men as members of the Iroquois, Fox and Huron — tribes from the East of North America — bestowing gifts of feathers, moccasins and a beaded stole.
What might we learn from this depiction of the Magi?
Their long journey, ending with gifts at the feet of Mary and Joseph, reminds us that the Spirit of God, continues to move among us to love, call and enlighten all who are open to God’s presence. We encounter a perfect role model in Mary, who welcomed these unfamiliar guests and their unusual gifts rather than turn them away. What a powerful lesson for us to learn, as unfamiliar guests come to our cities, our neighborhoods, and our churches. Mustn’t we welcome them graciously and with openness, just as Mary welcomed these humbled visitors? May we see Christ’s light in all visitors.