During the Summer months, this column will be highlighting the good work and parishioners involved in one of our various Parish Ministries. Each week, we will feature an article from a different ministry, written by one if its members, as a reflection on the generosity and stewardship of the SMOS community.
Youth Ministry
by Emma Grace Johnson

Recently, our Youth Ministry took our second summer service trip with Catholic Heart Work Camp (CHWC). This is our biggest trip of the year and one I know the teens will never forget. They laughed a lot, served each day, and shared a transformative experience in both faith and friendship.
We began each day with Mass and then headed out to serve. Our teens were divided up into groups with teens from other youth groups from all over the country. They served at different worksites including a horse camp for kids, the Salvation army, an animal shelter, individual homes, and a hospice center. They did various tasks that ranged from painting picnic tables to sorting clothes to shoveling manure. After they worked so hard all day, they came back to our home-base where we had evenings filled with games, dance parties, prayer, powerful talks, and even adoration. Each night, we gathered as a youth group and shared about our days and where we saw Christ.
Our eleven teens returned on fire for their faith, transformed in every aspect, ready to love and serve the Lord. They grew closer to one another than I could have ever imagined, and they served the community of Marshalltown, Iowa so beautifully.
Here’s what a few of them had to say:
“I’ve never felt the way I felt after completing my service project after doing any other volunteer work. I knew that the work I did would drastically make daily life so much easier for a whole family and it left me so fulfilled.” – Regan Ibendahl
“CHWC lead me to want to be with God more. My spiritual journey seems more clear than before and I am grateful for attending CHWC.” – Samuel Marquard
“CHWC, and had the chance to grow in my faith. Knowing that I’ve helped people in any way they needed, really changed my perspective on how much kindness truly can change the world.” – Alicia Bernal
“My experience has been incredible to say the least. I have grown so so much, through my faith and even as a person. Catholic Heart Work Camp is so full of fun, love, and connection, and it is truly a worthwhile experience.” – Molly Schiltz
Thank you to all who helped make this trip possible. Thank you to our parents, parish staff, and the Saint Margaret’s community who supported our teens both financial and in prayer. You all made this possible!
If you see any of these teens around, please ask them about their experience!