Throughout the year, we present an article in the bulletin each week on a variety of topics, written by a member of our Parish staff or ministries on a rotating basis.
Growing In Faith
by Ruth Pera, Faith Formation Coordinator

“Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me;
and whoever receives me,
receives not me but the One who sent me.”
When my family first arrived at St. Margaret’s, it was 2012 and we had two small children under the age of three. I remember the first several Masses we attended knowing no one, but Craig Rebholz learned our names quickly and greeted us by name every week, and we found ourselves sitting regularly in front of the Gerstner family while Jenny and Jared’s kids made faces at ours week after week. We bribed our kids through Mass with weekly donuts and met many long-time parishioners who embraced us like family. It wasn’t long until St. Margaret’s was the center of our new home here in St. Louis. We felt truly “received.”
Recently, I’ve been approached by several parishioners at varying ages and stages of life who are looking for opportunities outside of Mass to connect with other adults for conversations in fellowship, faith, and prayer. There have been a few different ideas brought forward about how individuals would like to connect, but a persistent feeling that our parishioners are looking for ways to connect in the kinds of intentional relationships that we might receive Christ through the presence of one another.
This weekend our parish is hosting a stewardship fair after all Masses. I encourage you to come downstairs and take the time to visit the various ministries represented there. There are ample opportunities to serve our community, and your gifts are needed! I particularly want to invite you to stop and learn more about the opportunities available for building and participating in small faith communities. If you are interested in something you can attend regularly with the same people, we are looking for you. If you are interested in something that you can drop in once every few weeks, we are looking for you. If you want to learn new ways of connecting with and listening to God and others, we are looking for you. If you want a safe space to work through your questions and inspirations about our God, our call, and our faith, we are looking for you.
During Mass today, I hope you can take a few minutes of quiet to pray about what God is calling you to at this moment in your faith journey. What can you share with others, and what do you need to help yourself grow closer to God? Then come see us at the Stewardship fair – I think, and hope, you’ll find the things that God is calling you to!