Throughout the school year, we present an article in the bulletin each week providing updates from St. Margaret’s School, written by a member of our school staff.
SMOS School News
by Patrick Holley, Principal

Happy October! We have a busy week at St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic School next week.
On Monday, we are celebrating Respect Life Month and our Mother Mary by praying an all-school Respect Life Rosary at 8:00am. All are welcome to join us.
On Wednesday, October 9th, we are holding our second PTA dine-out night. We have invited the food truck from Farmtruk to the school parking lot from 5:00-7:00 PM. A percentage of each purchase will benefit our school. Please join us in a delicious meal and some fellowship picnic-style at St. Margaret of Scotland School.
October is always a busy time of year in schools. Please continue to pray for our faculty and students as we work together towards the mission of St. Margaret of Scotland School and Parish.