Train Up A Child
~ “Train a child up in the way they should go; and even when they are older they will not depart from it”. Proverbs 22:6
Sometimes as adults we overlook the important role we play in society. Of course we are the driving force that stimulates the economy by paying taxes, purchasing groceries, gas, and a bunch of other things, but we have a more important task at hand.
So what is this important task? That task is to make an impact on the next generation. Whether we know it or not, the children are paying attention to how we as adults operate. Now of course they’re not paying attention to the intricate details of being an adult, but they are paying attention to the basic fundamentals, like how we communicate with each other, or how we manage/express our emotions, or even how we navigate through the day-to-day challenges, the fact is they are watching. If I can make a comparison, the closest correlation would be a sponge, because the sponge soaks up what is poured into it, and when it’s full, it will pour those contents back out. Just like with our children – what we pour into them, they will pour back out into society. As educators we have the challenging yet rewarding task of pouring into the next generation. Sometimes that can feel overwhelming, because as adults we have to pour at times when our cups may be empty. So how do we navigate through this?
Proverbs 11:25 says “a generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed”.
We have to keep pouring because when we refresh others (including the next generation), we will be refreshed. To this day, I can remember the teachers who positively influenced me. This is important because the next generation are the leaders of tomorrow.
As the quote at the beginning of this article suggest, we must show our children the right way because God did it for us through his son Jesus Christ!
Throughout the year, we present an article in the bulletin each week on a variety of topics, written by a member of our Parish staff or ministries on a rotating basis.