Weekly News From St. Margaret of Scotland School

~ As you are aware I’m sure – Sunday is the official start of Catholic Schools Week, and we kick off our festivities each year with our Open House. This year, our theme is “Dragon’s Love Tacos” – based on the beloved children’s book by Adam Rubin and Daniel Salmieri – “Dragons love parties as much as they love tacos. It’s the perfect combination!”
We have plenty of dragons at St. Margaret of Scotland, so we are having a taco party for our Open House for the perfect combination happening this weekend. Please know that this is a truly community event and we want all to attend. You support our school with your prayers, volunteer hours, and presence. Please join us Sunday (after the 10 AM Mass) from 11:00am-2:00pm. I will look forward to seeing many of you there. You can walk around the school to see what’s new, check out our School Fair tables in the Gym, or even head over to Middle School for a self-guided tour to learn about our academics and electives program. Oh yes, and grab a taco before you go!
Throughout the school year, we present an article in the bulletin each week providing updates from St. Margaret’s School, written by a member of our school staff.