Wrapping Up Catholic Schools Week

~ Last week we here at St. Margaret of Scotland celebrated what is known around the country as Catholic Schools Week. While it is a time for dress down days and fun assemblies, it is also a phenomenal time to celebrate what our Catholic schools are meant for: creating missionary disciples. At Mass last week several of our students used their gifts and talents to help bring Christ to others. Seeing the youngest members of our community work together to help facilitate our parish’s celebration of the Eucharist was a bright spot in my week – I hope it was a bright spot in yours, too! Throughout the week they were prompted to reflect on the gift of their education. They thanked their parents, teachers, and priests with cards and special treats. They came together to share their faith during Mass and while they spent time in their Faith Families. They celebrated their school community during activities like the Rock-Paper-Scissors tournament, Minute-to-Win-It games, and the highly anticipated teachers vs 8th grade volleyball game. They celebrated who they are as people created in God’s image by expressing themselves with dress down days.
The shenanigans are very fun, but my goal as the Coordinator of Religious Education was to ensure that the message of the week was centered around Christ. To achieve this goal, I worked with the students throughout the week to create a video project entitled “Who do you say that I am?” As a Catholic school, our job is to help our students encounter Christ on a personal level so that they are equipped to go out and make disciples for Christ. I wanted to know how we here at SMOS were doing in making that happen. As always, I found that “dragons will amaze you”. Their answers were insightful and faith-filled, reminding me that we are all called to have that same sort of ever-hopeful faith and see God through the eyes of a child, as our loving Father. While we prepare to share this video project with our community, I invite you to reflect on this question for yourself. If Christ came to stand before you and asked “Who do you say that I am?”, what would your response be?
Thank you very much for your continued prayers and support of St. Margaret of Scotland School. Our students are benefiting each day from the love, passion, and dedication that are poured into them by all who support our mission.
Throughout the year, we present an article in the bulletin each week on a variety of topics, written by a member of our Parish staff or ministries on a rotating basis.