Weekly News From St. Margaret of Scotland School

~ I would first like to thank all of you who came to our Open House. I was happy not only to welcome prospective and current families, but also to welcome several parishioners. St. Margaret of Scotland School is a ministry of our parish. As such, our parishioners are as much part of our school community as the students, parents, and teachers. Thank you for your continued support of our school. We truly could not run this ministry without your support.
Our Open House was a huge success. We welcomed around 50 new families this year. We are truly blessed to have a wonderful team of PTA members and school staff who came together to show off our school.
This week was Catholic Schools Week and the students at St. Margaret of Scotland had a great time. This time of year is always filled with joy and love for our schools and students. I pray that we continue these fond feelings all year round.
Throughout the school year, we present an article in the bulletin each week providing updates from St. Margaret’s School, written by a member of our school staff.