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School Shoutouts 11-09-23

As part of Friday announcements, Principal Holley likes to give shout outs to our students who get caught doing acts of kindness around school.  We would like to share with you our weekly shout-outs.  

Mrs. Redmond would like to shout out her 3rd Grade students for caring for each other by reporting each other for kind acts. 

Mrs. Komos would like to shout out Neriah in 5th Grade put away several people’s novels and noise-canceling headphones when they left them on their desks. 

Mr. Schmidt would like to shout out the 8th Grade volleyball team had their last practice this week and are heading to districts. He would also like to shout the STUCO members and 8th Grade volunteers who made Halloween-fest a success for the whole school, the 8th graders who have been working hard on their high school applications, and Joe and Amira who work so hard to keep our school clean.

Mrs. Harvatin is so proud of her Kindergartners! They are working hard at being better listeners! 

Mrs. Loser is shouting out Lizzie B. for staying a few minutes after 3D3 Art to clean up and push the chairs after her classmates left. 

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