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School Shoutouts 05-02-24

As part of Friday announcements, Principal Holley likes to give shout outs to our students who get caught doing acts of kindness around school.  We would like to share with you our weekly shout-outs.  

Mrs. Komos would like to shout-out Maddie, MT, & Cooper for offering to help put up a new bulletin board in the classroom. 

Mrs. Peterson would like to shout-out Emma Fairlie for always being kind to her classmates and always being the first to follow directions.

Mr. Holley would like to shout out our History Day Elective. All three of our projects advanced to the run-offs (meaning they all finished in the top 6 in the state in their category). There were 21 projects in each category, so it is a huge accomplishment and really amazing that all of our entries advanced to that point.  Awards are given to the top 3 in each category, and Ace A., Ben K., & Ella M.-K. placed 2nd in group website and qualified for Nationals! They also received the Strickland Memorial African-American History Special Prize for the website category. They were compared against Junior and Senior projects and received a cash prize! Other entries included our other entries were Zachary B. and Christian R. (website) and Emma G. (exhibit).

Mrs. Heithaus would like to shout out Coco O. & Chloe T. for using their creative time during centers to find ways to bring joy to others, Sr. Mary Jo who is always willing to help without asking for any credit, and Shaun H. who demonstrates a lot of enthusiasm for altar serving. He did a great job at Mass on Wednesday!

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