Calling all artists in grades 3-8, please take some time to create this year’s cover for the school yearbook. All entries should be submitted to the school office by Friday, Nov. 8. The entire school will vote on the finalists in the following weeks. Here’s some helpful tips:
- Have fun & be creative!!
- Use 8.5” x 11” white unlined paper
- Use any medium crayons, markers, watercolors, graphic design, original digital art
- Make cover colorful and color completely
- Must include – St. Margaret of Scotland School 2024-2025
- Design to include any school symbols, sayings, etc.
- Put name & homeroom on the back of entry
- Use a different size paper
- Have A LOT of white space
- Write your name on the front cover (repeat, do not put your name on the front cover)
- Color too lightly
Any questions – contact the SMOS Yearbook Staff at