St. Margaret of Scotland School has been working on many initiatives over past several years in an effort to make sure our school and campus is safe – and that the students know what actions to take to keep themselves secure. As part of our school improvement plan, safety around kids and guns is part of that effort. The proliferation of firearms in the United States has increased the need for discussions about this safety concern (did you know that there are 120.5 guns for every 100 residents in the U.S.?). The tragic incidences of unintentional shootings and teen suicide makes these difficult, but very necessary conversations to have. Guns are the leading cause of death in children and teens, and gun violence has become a national health crisis in the U.S. But these tragedies are preventable.
That is why, St. Margaret of Scotland School is partnering with Be SMART For Kids to bring gun safety to our families. It is our goal to make SMOS the first “Be SMART School” in the St. Louis area.
But we need your help in achieving this safety goal… all SMOS school parents, parishioners, and extended family are invited and strongly encouraged to attend a special presentation regarding the necessary steps to take to ensure your children’s safety around guns.
Please join us for a 60-minute discussion co-sponsored by the SMOS PTA and Gun Sense: For the Common Good, hosted as part of the SMOS Gun Sense team’s four-part series called “From Outrage To Action”. For Part IV, St. Margaret of Scotland is working with Be SMART and Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital to present a conversation on Kids, Guns, & Safety. The program will begin with a presentation on the five principles of the Be SMART plan, followed by a talk on the public health crisis of gun violence and its effects on children, and finishing with some Q&A from the participants. Childcare will be provided, so that parents can attend this important event.
If you are around kids in any way, this is one you don’t want to miss! All community stakeholders are welcome to join! As an incentive to participate, students of families who attend the presentation, will get a dress-down day on Friday, November 22. (There will also be an option for parents who cannot attend, so that all children will be eligible to dress down that day. More details to come.)
What does becoming a “Be SMART School” mean? It’s fairly simple – it means that St. Margaret of Scotland School is committed to helping parents, caregivers, and families keep kids safe when it comes to firearms. And Be SMART is a nationally renowned and respected partner in this commitment. The Be SMART campaign was launched in 2015 to promote responsible gun ownership in order to reduce the deaths, injuries, and trauma that can result when a child or teen is able to access a gun. This is the second year that SMOS has hosted a Be SMART presentation.
As part of this overall initiative, St. Margaret of Scotland is also working on a program to bring gun safety into the classroom to teach children about what to do if they find or are presented with an unsecured weapon. This program is being developed in conjunction with the Office of Catholic Education and will be part of a pilot program for the Archdiocese of St. Louis. We hope to have more information in the coming months, with a goal to have a program in place later in the school year.
Kids, Guns, & Safety
Dissecting the issue of gun violence in our State, our City, & our Neighborhoods.
St. Margaret of Scotland School – 3964 Castleman Ave, Saint Louis, 63110, United States
(presentation in the School Cafeteria, childcare in the School Gym)
Facebook Event:
• Learn Simple Steps We Can All Take To Keep Children Safe
• Explore Ways To Approach Conversations About Guns
• Non-Partisan, Evidence-Based Solutions
Panelists to include:
• Peggy Neufeld (Be SMART For Kids – STL)
• Tiffany Taylor (Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital)
• PRESENTATION, Discussion, and Q&A •
Learn the 5 simple steps we can all take to keep our families safe.

Be SMART: Talking About Kids, Guns, & Safety
Do you know what the gun safety situation is where your kids play?
Do you find it awkward to ask questions about gun storage?
Do you even know what to ask or that you should be inquiring before playdates?
The Be SMART campaign is designed to help parents and adults normalize conversations about gun safety and take responsible actions that can prevent child and teen gun deaths and injuries.
Throughout the U.S., an estimated 13 million households with children under the age of 18 contain at least one gun. Not all of these firearms are stored securely: approximately 4.6 million children live in a household with at least one gun that is stored loaded and unlocked. Every year, at least 350 American children under the age of 18 gain access to a firearm and unintentionally shoot themselves or someone else.
Be SMART was created to take action to prevent child access to guns, promote safe storage, and reduce the risk of suicide. The campaign focuses on the importance of conversation, responsible gun storage, and community awareness.
St. Margaret of Scotland encourages parents and caretakers to “Be SMART” and take simple safety steps to help protect children from guns.