The St. Margaret of Scotland School Board nomination process for 2025-2026 will formally begin in late February. This process is guided by both the St. Louis Archdiocese and the St. Margaret of Scotland School Board Constitution, which was last updated over 10 years ago. In preparing for that work, the current Board recognized an opportunity to streamline the process and clarify the Constitution language to align with how the Parish and School currently function.
The outcome of the election process will remain the same; the Board will add 3 new members for the 2025/2026 school year and will include both the Parish and School Community in the election process. Nominations will open later in February; if you are interested in joining the Board or would like more information, please reach out via email with questions.
Before the School Board can vote on an amendment to the Board Constitution, they must allow two weeks for any interested parishioners or school parents to comment on the changes. If you are interested in reading the proposed language, the document is available in both the Rectory and School offices for review until February 9th. The posting of a hard copy only for review is specifically dictated by the current Board Constitution.