As was mentioned in Mr. Holley’s Principal’s Message, due to the inclement weather during our first week back from Christmas break, St. Margaret of Scotland has used all of our built-in snow days. Because we don’t want to change our schedule to accommodate make-up days, all subsequent inclement weather days for the remainder of the year will be virtual learning days.
We are planning ahead, so that we are prepared just in case. Our faculty will be using our professional development time this Friday to create virtual learning plans. They will also be reaching out to their individual homeroom families to express the expectations of the students if virtual learning becomes necessary. Parents can expect the following from teachers.
- Materials will be sent home prior to inclement weather days if possible.
- Teachers will reach out to you with instructions on what students can expect during a virtual day.
- Teachers will provide ‘office hours’ when they will be available to answer questions.
- All K-8 families will receive a Google Form that the school will use to indicate attendance for that day. Please fill this out, or your child will be considered absent.
Luckily, it has been a long time since we have had to do virtual learning to this extent; therefore, we fully expect there to be some hiccups during virtual learning. The staff asks for your grace and patience if/when we have to move to virtual learning. The hope is that we won’t have to use any of this information this year!