Site icon Saint Margaret of Scotland

CRE Update 10-12-23

All are welcome at Parent Prayer tomorrow (Friday) morning at 7:55 in the Hesed Outdoor Playground! See you there for this super informal, relaxed way to start your day with Jesus. 

Join us NEXT WEEK for our first Families in Faith community night! Click here to RSVP for this event filled with food, fellowship, and faith. Babysitting is provided. 

A few weeks ago our 3rd graders got to get away for part of the day to enjoy their class retreat. Led by members of our 8th grade Retreat Team, our 3rd grade friends spent the day diving into God’s word. They enjoyed a few scavenger hunts, received a special, individualized letter from God, and grew closer in their relationships to one another. Please continue to pray for our 3rd graders!

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