Dear Maggie —
I know you have been out of town for the last several weeks. I hope you had a great trip, but I really hope you’re back because I need help BIG TIME! Since my children were home for approximately 473 days on Christmas break, they ate every snack we own and sucked every last brain cell out of my head. On top of the lack of brain cells, I feel like I’ve gotten whiplash in the last week! We went from 0-to-60 ever since returning to school. My family went from sleeping in, and taking our time doing… everything (because ya know, we couldn’t go anywhere thanks to Snowmageddon 2025) – cut to now, my calendar is slammed, and my head is spinning from all the impending events. Just yesterday, one of my kid’s teachers sent home dates for events happening in APRIL!! My brain is just not there yet! Ok, I’ll cut to the chase – TRIVIA… what’s happening with that?! I saw something about it being St Louis-themed and that it’s on Feb 1st in the Gym, but beyond that, I really can’t absorb more. Remember that whole lack of brain cells thing I mentioned earlier?? Well due to that fact, I was hoping that maybe you could just lay it all out for me – like every. thing. What exactly am I supposed to do with such a broad theme?? Maybe a decision tree could be helpful? IDK, I’m just tossing out ideas here.
— Brainless Brian
Dear Brainless —
I feel ya on the whole I – Can’t – Get – Back – Into – The – Swing – Of – Things business! I’m sure this will come as a surprise to no one, but January in St. Louis is NOTHING like January in Boca Raton. It was a rude awakening when I returned home, to say the least. Well, the cold doesn’t really bother me – I’ve been cold for about 900 years. 🥶 But I’ve been sliding around the neighborhood for the last week like a newborn giraffe on the Ice Capades. Did anyone else see the video of the guy ice skating down Flora?! #LoveToSeeIt
Alright, on to Trivia Night… this isn’t going to be as hard as you think, I promise! Here’s the deal, you all live in St. Louis, so you run with the theme however you want. You want to dress up as a toasted ravioli, you do you boo. Your table wants to have food from every locally famous restaurant in South City? Go for babe! Your wife thinks she can still fit into that St. Joe uniform from 27 years ago and wants to show it off to all her mom-friends?! All the luck in the world, home skillet! From what I understand, the folks planning the event are short on brain cells themselves, so All Things STL seemed like a real walk in the park as far as brain power went. Plus they can just say they’re “on brand” with the 125th Anniversary extravaganza and call it a day! #BareMinimumIsTheNewOverAchiever As far as the questions go, they will all be St. Louis-ish themed, but I’ve seen the beginnings of the question lists, and they’re using that term VERY loosely 🤣. I would be willing to bet there’s a category about where you went to high school, and no doubt something about the Cardinals, but if you’ve lived here longer than 15 minutes, I have no doubt you’ll do juuuust fine!
This is a really low-stakes event guys! There’s no need to make yourselves crazy over it, we are all just here to have some fun and raise a little money. Oh and to see who has the best costumes (I swear on all things holy if there isn’t someone dressed as Becky the Carpet Queen, I will burn the gym to the ground!), best table decor (bring on all things Fleur de lis), best food (please get more creative than toasted rav fondu! 🙏), and best cocktail (I hear the judges are big fans of Kilgore’s in a Pickle! 😉 #LookItUp).
Alright, study up people – it feels like Sarah Fenske’s table has won trivia for a couple of years in a row now and I’d love to see someone dethrone her – especially in a year when the questions are all about a topic she writes on every day 🤣. No hard feelings Sarah, but we all love an underdog! It would just be a bonus to see how much money her team (Matt Biegacki, we’re looking at you!) will spend to put the team in 2nd place in jail during Round 10! The Mandeville Fund appreciates you already!!
— Maggie