The Service & Social Commission at St. Margaret of Scotland is one of four Commissions that provide organization to all that we do at our parish. Parish ministries are all those ways we give our time and talent to the greater glory of God in social and service settings. We have a variety of ways to get involved.
Service & Social Commission
Advocacy Table
The Living Justice Ministries host a Parish Advocacy Table following the 8:00am and 10:00am Masses. As our Sunday Mass goers enjoy fellowship in our church hall, the members of the Living Justice…
Athletic Association
The SMOS Athletic Association is a group of volunteer parents/guardians, parishioners, and friends that coordinate athletic programs offered through the St. Margaret of Scotland Parish and School. The goal is to allow every boy and girl the opportunity to participate in athletics and by doing so, develop discipline and respect, build character and gain an understanding of the value of teamwork. Volunteers are needed to be on the Athletic Association Board and to coach.
Scouting America
Scouting America at SMOS provides experiential programs for boys and girls that teach outdoor skills, build character and instill values of service and citizenship.
Care For Creation
The Creation Ministry seeks to draw everyone closer to God through his Creation and creations from our own hands: To infuse a sense of wonder and joy in every aspect…
Coffee & Donut Fellowship
This ministry organizes and runs the refreshments at the weekly Sunday gathering in the Church Hall after the 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Masses. Volunteers are needed at each Mass…
Feast Day Committee
On the weekend nearest the Feast of Saint Margaret of Scotland (November 16), the parish celebrates an evening of activities for parishioners and friends with a festive street fair atmosphere….
Girl Scouts
St. Margaret of Scotland Girl Scouts provides opportunities for girls to learn and grow through service projects, badge work, camping, and council activities.
Gun Sense: For the Common Good
St. Margaret of Scotland (SMOS) has formed Gun Sense: For the Common Good – with a vision to form a coalition of faith-based organizations joining together with the mission to…
Hospitality Ministry
Sunday Fellowship is a ministry for members of the St. Margaret of Scotland parish to connect, converse and socialize after Mass.
To recognize in Scripture God’s consistent preferential option for the poor and vulnerable and to realize that it’s how we welcome immigrants into our city/country that we carry out God’s…
Ladies Auxiliary
Ladies Auxiliary combines fundraising and fellowship with service, activities, parties, and supporting Church and School needs with funds.
Living Justice Ministries
The Living Justice Ministries is dedicated to imbuing the parish with an awareness of what it means to live just lives, encouraging everyone to work toward a more just society.
Parish & School Picnic Committee
Once a year, the Parish and School community gather to celebrate the Catholic community of St. Margaret of Scotland. All members of the community are welcome to attend, and volunteers…
Pride of St. Margaret
GOALS To provide welcoming opportunities to LGBTQ+ parishioners – and perform outreach to those members to allow more participation. To provide resources and support to family, friends, and allies of…
Racial Equity
To further our own understanding and that of St. Margaret of Scotland parishioners of the effects of racism, its history in St. Louis, and the unjust impact that racism has…
Respect Life Committee
The Respect Life Committee promotes the Catholic Church’s Magisterial teachings on respect for and legal protection of innocent human life.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
The St. Margaret of Scotland ministry of the St. Vincent DePaul Society provides physical and spiritual assistance to our less fortunate neighbors within our parish boundaries.
Get Involved
Service & Social Commission
Service & Social Commission
Worship Commission
Worship Commission
Volunteer at School
Volunteer at School
Music Ministry
Music Ministry
Contact Us
Have a question or comment about the St. Margaret of Scotland parish community? We’d love to hear from you!
Are you interested in joining our mission?