Service Opportunities

Immigrant & Refugee Ministry

The Immigrant & Refugee Ministry (IRM), a collaboration of six South City parishes, is a grassroots effort that connects volunteers with immigrants and refugees to assist them as they make their homes here in St. Louis. In addition to St. Margaret of Scotland, the other parishes which form the ministry are St. Anthony of Padua, St. Cronan, St. Pius V, St. Stephen Protomartyr, and St. Vincent de Paul.

In order to work for greater justice for those who have resettled in our community, IRM provides education and advocacy opportunities related to local, state, and national policies. The ministry receives funding from the parishes, as well as a grant from the St. Louis Archdiocese Annual Catholic Appeal.

Latest IRM News

Intercultural Community Night
The Immigrant & Refugee Ministry (IRM), a collaborative work of St. Margaret of Scotland parish and 5 others, invites you ...
Immigrant & Refugee Ministry Opens Its Doors
The Immigrant & Refugee Ministry is a relational, welcoming ministry that strives to uphold the God-given worth and dignity of ...
Six-Parish Collaborative Launches With SMOS Parishioner At The Helm
CONGRATULATIONS to parishioner Kevin Kuehl who has been hired as Coordinator of the Immigrant & Refugee Ministry (IRM), a six-parish ...