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Lent 2023 – Week V

We continue with our prayer, fasting, and giving for the Season of Lent. Here are the activities planned for this Fifth Week of Lent.

Lenten Compline

Sunday, March 26, 2023 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Church – 3864 Flad Ave., Saint Louis, 63110, United States

Please join us this evening for our Lenten Compline.

Dine with us for Fish Fry – or Volunteer to help!

Tickets to the 2023 Lenten Fish Fry are now sold out – But you can still sign up to help us out to pull off this event!


The SMOS PTA is super-thrilled to be bringing back the Parish Fish Fry this year after a long Covid-hiatus – but we need your help to do so! And don’t let this get around, but the Fish Fry is probably the most rollicking event to donate your time for – it really is a fun volunteer gig!

Click here to signup!

Lenten Giving

In the Acts of the Apostles, we hear about the early Christian communities and their habits of sharing their resources among one another, using their funds to care for the widows and orphans of their community. Later we hear that the widows of the Hellenists – outsiders – were not being cared for in the same way as the Hebrew widows, and the apostles appointed deacons to oversee the care of all so that outsiders would not be neglected.

We encourage you this week to pay attention to your financial giving. Our Parish Lenten Project – renewing the funds of the Mandeville Scholarship, the CRS Rice Bowl sitting on your table at home, and our parish Tree of Mercy – all of these are ways we can reach out from within our community to care for and lift up others. Let’s widen our Catholic community in that way this week.

We have published a full 2023 Lenten Calendar & Event Guide. If you’re looking for a digital copy for your files or would like to print out the most up-to-date copy, please see the file below.

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