Bulletin Article – December 29, 2024

Answer the Call to Serve: Tips for Liturgical Ministers

Stay Connected and Serve with Joy in 2025!
by Ruth Pera, Faith Formation Coordinator

~ At St. Margaret of Scotland, we use Ministry Scheduler Pro to schedule volunteers who serve at Mass. Current liturgical ministries scheduled in MSP are: Altar Servers, Greeters, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs), Children’s Liturgy of the Word, and Coffee & Donuts Fellowship. 

MSP is here to make volunteering easier! The online scheduling tool offers easy access to the ministry schedule, a free mobile app, automatic email reminders, and quick options to request or accept substitutes. If you need help navigating MSP, please contact parishioners Kristen Wimbley (kwimbley9994@gmail.com) or Krista Kutz (krista+smos@rotundasoftware.com).

“We know that when you choose to serve our community as Liturgical ministers, you are already giving us a precious commodity – your time and energy. We want to make the logistics of that as easy as possible so that your time and energy are available to God and our community – not coordinating your calendar.”

Did you know you can do all of this with MSP?  Our parish volunteers put their heads together to find you the top “must know” tips to help you get the most out of MSP:

  1. View schedules anytime on the app or web terminal.
  2. Add “can’t serve dates” to your profile.
  3. Check family members’ schedules.
  4. Sync with your personal calendar.
  5. Watch for reminders and sub requests – and fill in for others.

Answering the Call to Serve

As we begin 2025, consider taking on a new role in ministry! St. Margaret of Scotland is always looking for volunteers at Mass. There’s a place for everyone to serve! Please contact Orin Johnson at (ojohnson@stmargaretstl.org) if you’re interested in being trained as a liturgical minister.

Thank you for sharing your time, talents, and faith with our parish community. And check out the complete guide on how to use these 5 features in MSP below.

Throughout the year, we present an article in the bulletin each week on a variety of topics, written by a member of our Parish staff or ministries on a rotating basis.

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