Sponsored By The SMOS Youth Ministry
SMOS Talent Show
Sunday, October 29, 2023 @6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Church Hall – St. Margaret of Scotland Church Basement, 3864 Flad Ave., Saint Louis, 63110, United States
Facebook Event: https://fb.me/e/1ihD4g8Ln
Join us for a night of amazing talents, lots of laughs, and good company.
Drinks and snacks will be provided for all guests.
We will have a 50/50 raffle to support Saint Margaret’s Youth Ministry!
Judged by Orin Johnson & Emily Chrostoski
Hosted by Br. Dominick Jean
Tickets: $8 in advance
$10 at the door
(5 & under free)
Proceeds from the event support the SMOS Youth Ministry.
Vote For “Celebrity” Talent @ SMOS Talent Show
Click Here To Vote & For Tickets