Novena 2023

From April 17-26, 2023, we invite the Parish and School community of St. Margaret of Scotland to join us in praying a Novena to our Patroness in thanksgiving for the leadership of Christine Burke and for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we seek new leaders – Principal and teachers – for our School.

You’ll find Novena packets in the back of Church that you can take home to pray on your own daily. Everyone is welcome to join us to pray in community each weekday morning at 8:00am in the Hesed Outdoor Classroom on the School grounds.  On Wednesdays, we will gather instead at Church at 8:00am to pray before our all-school Mass. On Saturday, we will gather at the SMOS Day of Service.

2023 Novena to PRINT

Click here to download a full copy of the 2023 Novena to PRINT.

2023 Novena TO PRINT