Adult Formation

Adult Faith Formation, the continuing growth and development of a relationship with God, is as basic and essential to realizing one’s human potential as anything. This formation happens when people practice their faith within the community of believers, live in accord with their religious principles, and allow the insights of faith and life to interact.

St. Margaret of Scotland offers parishioners many ordinary ways to promote faith development: liturgy, preaching, opportunities for prayer, charitable works and mutual support. We also invite members to take part in some special programs to nourish the adult believer.


Our Christian faith extends an invitation to each of us to become agents of God’s compassion and healing in a wounded world. JustFaith programs empower ordinary people and their communities to act on that invitation.

  • JustFaith programs help individuals experience conversion, integrating their personal spirituality with social commitment. Programs provide opportunities for individuals to study and be formed by the justice tradition articulated by the Scriptures, the Church’s historical witness, theological inquiry, and Church social teaching.
  • Participants are empowered to develop a passion and thirst for justice and to express this passion in concrete acts of social ministry in their parish or church and in the community at large.

Through workshops and programs, JustFaith seeks to help participants expand their commitment to social ministry within our faith community at St. Margaret of Scotland.

Ministry Opportunities

  • JustFaith – A 24-week engagement of prayer, reading, sharing and immersion in the most challenging issues of our faith and our society
  • Just Walking – Programs designed for high school and  for college-aged students
  • Engaging Spirituality – A program designed to explore different aspects of spirituality
  • Just Matters – short sessions developed around a specific theme including:
  • Sanctity of Life
  • Crossing Borders
  • Just Peacemaking Initiative: The Challenge and Promise of Nonviolence in Our Time
  • Muslims and Christians Working Together for the Common Good
  • Living Solidarity
  • Faith Encounters the Ecological Crisis
  • In the Footsteps of the Crucified
  • God’s Creation Cries for Justice
  • Prison Reform
  • New Wineskins
  • Engaging Our Conflicts

If you are interested in participating or learning more, contact the Parish Office.


Youth Formation

Youth Formation

St. Margaret of Scotland offers opportunities for children and young people to engage with the Word of God and interact with each other via Youth Ministry and Children’s Liturgy of the Word.
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Parish School of Religion

Parish School of Religion

The South City Deanery Parish School of Religion (PSR) provides Catholic catechesis and sacramental preparation for children pre-kindergarten through high school who do not attend a full-time Catholic school.
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Become Catholic

Become Catholic

The path to full membership is a formation process that culminates in the Sacraments of Initiation.
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Service & Social Commission

Service & Social Commission

The Service & Social Commission at St. Margaret of Scotland is one of four Commissions that provide organization to all that we do at our parish. Parish ministries are all those ways we give our time and talent to the greater glory of God in social and service settings. We have a variety of ways to get involved.
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