The Parish School of Religion (PSR) provides catechetical instruction and sacramental preparation to children and youth in the parish enrolled in first through eighth grade in public or private non-Catholic schools.
Parish School of Religion
St. Margaret of Scotland coordinates its PSR program with other South St. Louis Parishes. The South City Deanery Parish School of Religion (SCDPSR) provides formal Catholic religious education (Grade 1 to Confirmation Prep) for the children in parishes of the South City who are not enrolled in the parish school. Sessions are on Monday evenings, September through May from 6:20-7:40PM. SCDPSR exists to teach and model for its students the Gospel, the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ, our Savior.

First Reconciliation & First Communion is usually done as part of the 2nd grade curriculum. We also have preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion for students grades 3-8. Students must be in the PSR program for two years in order to receive First Reconciliation and First Communion.
Confirmation is usually done in the 7th grade and above. Students must be in the PSR program for two years (Pre-Confirmation and Confirmation classes) before being confirmed.
South City Parish School of Religion is housed on the St. John the Baptist campus (in the Newport Bldg.) at the corner of Newport and Delor.

For more information on the program or registration, or to volunteer, please contact Deacon George Watson at or 314-773-3070.
For cancellation of PSR classes due to winter weather conditions, stay tuned to the local news stations to which we report as soon as a decision is made to cancel classes for the week.
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The Parish School of Religion is designed to foster full and active participation in the life and mission of the Roman Catholic Church through experiences in prayer, scripture, religious study, and participation in the sacramental life of the parish. The program continues and supplements the religious formation from parents, who are the first teachers of their children in the ways of the faith, by assisting families to help young people grow in intimacy with Jesus, be knowledgeable about their faith, and integrate the teachings of the Gospel into their lives. PSR also prepares young people for the reception of first sacraments.
Schedule & Contact
6:20 PM to 7:40 PMMinistry Lead – Deacon George Watson
Adult Formation
Adult Formation
Youth Formation
Youth Formation
Protecting God's Children
Protecting God's Children
Contact Us
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