Unclouding Our Past

An Interactive Communal Exploration of our Parish History and Memory of Race

Date: Sunday, March 12, 2023 @ 11:00 am – 1:15 pm
St. Margaret of Scotland Church Hall – 3864 Flad Ave., Saint Louis, 63110, United States

Facebook Event: https://fb.me/e/2IcYgjsKD

The Catholic Church, St. Louis, and race: Where does our parish find itself in this? We, St. Margaret of Scotland parishioners, will gather as a community to begin exploring what we know (and what we don’t) about our collective racial history. Following a presentation about our racial history as Catholic St. Louisans by historian and parishioner Kelly Schmidt and writer and researcher Winnie Sullivan of College Church, members of the St. Margaret community will work together to voice questions and curiosities that help us delve deeper into our parish’s story of race and begin to build a framework for a more profound understanding of who we are and where we can go from here. To establish a trailhead for the work of the Racial Equity Team’s history committee, we need everyone’s help brainstorming, wondering, and recollecting!

Refreshments will be provided. Registration is encouraged though not required to attend.


“We can never move forward without remembering the past; we do not progress without an honest and unclouded memory.”
– Pope Francis

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