Parishioner Thank You

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Parishioner Thank You – Reception @ 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm – Church Hall

Parishioner Thank You – Vespers @ 5:30 pm – 6:00 pm – Church

Facebook Event:

You Are Invited!

Help kick off our Stewardship season at a Thank You reception and evening prayer for all our parishioners.  Please join us as we say “Thank You” to all our parishioners who give so generously to St. Margaret of Scotland!  Everyone is welcome – If you have given financially to the parish, if you serve with any of our ministries or organizations, if you come to Sunday Mass and pray for the parish, if you love and support St. Margaret – you are invited to attend. 

Social reception will begin at four o’clock in the Church Hall, with light refreshments served, music and games, and giveaways.  At 5:30pm, we will move upstairs to the Church for a half hour of prayer and reflection led by the music ministry.

This event is for adults only.  Childcare will be provided.  If you need childcare for your children, please complete this form:

Childcare Request Form

Please RSVP below so we can plan for food and drink.  Thank you.


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