Parish Schedule & Notes For The New Year
The Epiphany of the Lord
Saturday, January 6, 4:30pm and Sunday, January 7, 8:00am & 10:00am

Taking Down Church Christmas Decorations
On Sunday, January 7, immediately following the 10 AM Mass, please join our parish family in removing all of the Christmas decorations from Church. As with the decorating, all hands are needed – big or small. We appreciate in advance your help in returning our Church to its usual beauty. Thank you!
Winter Wellness
As we enter the winter season, please do your part to keep yourself and one another healthy against the flu, winter colds, and Covid. Though the pandemic has waned, we must always be vigilant for the health of our community. If you are ill, please stay home and take care of yourself. You may consider wearing a mask indoors if you are ill or immunocompromised. Wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer. A limited supply of hand sanitizer will be in the back of Church; if you need a mask, ask a hospitality minister. Please use common sense and good judgement during these winter months!
On The Horizon

The Parish Office and School will be closed for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday on Monday, January 15. Both will reopen on Tuesday, January 16. If you have parish or school business, please take care of that once the offices reopen on the 16th.
Due to Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, the bulletin article submission schedule is as follows:
Weekend of January 20-21 articles are due on Friday, January 12 by 2:00 p.m.
Questions? Please contact Michael Sonntag at or call 314-776-0363.