The SMOS Youth Ministry two fall trips are quickly approaching, and sign-ups close soon. If you’d like to attend either of the trips, click the links below to register. These trips are limited to high school students only.
Registration closes on September 1st!

Sankofa Pathways Toward Peace Pilgrimage
Civil Rights Trip
September 22-25, 2023
Hosted by the Archdiocesan Office of Racial Harmony, our Youth Ministry students will join other Catholics from St. Louis to visit historic sites including the lynching museum and sit-in sites in Nashville, Birmingham, and Montgomery where important moments in our country’s Civil Rights journey took place.

Solidarity At The Border
Immigration Trip
November 1-5, 2023
Hosted by the Archdiocesan Office of Peace & Justice, our Youth Ministry students will join other Catholics from St. Louis to visit our country’s southern border and surrounding areas, giving them an opportunity to learn about the complex issues facing migrants and their families. The trip will conclude with mass on the US-Mexico border uniting us in our one faith.
Some FAQ’s:
- How many days of school do I have to miss?
- For the Civil Rights trip, we will leave Friday night and return Monday nights, so you will only miss one day of school (Monday).
- For the Border Trip, we will leave Wednesday afternoon and return on Sunday night, so you will miss two days of school (Thursday and Friday).
- Will I have time/be able to do my homework?
- Yes! The bus rides are long, so you’ll have plenty of time to complete any homework or make-up work necessary! There will also be some downtime at our hotels.
- How much are the trips?
- The Civil Rights trip is $300, and the Border Trip is $325. Why so much? This covers hotels, bus rides, tickets to any museums/encounters, and food!
- Can I bring a friend who doesn’t attend SMOS?
- Yes! All are welcome!
For more information on these trips and to register, click on the corresponding links above. Spots are limited, so reserve your spot now, before they’re gone!