Thanksgiving Food Collection 2023

Sponsored by SMOS St. Vincent de Paul Society

It’s that time of the year again! As we approach the season of giving thanks, we are reminded of the importance of community and giving back. The SMOS St. Vincent DePaul Society is proud to announce the commencement of our annual Thanksgiving Food Collection initiative for the year 2023. With our combined efforts, we aim to aid those less fortunate and ensure that everyone in our neighborhood has a hearty meal to celebrate this Thanksgiving!

SVdP is collecting canned yams for the Isaiah 58 Ministries food pantry and are aiming to gather 200 cans in one week! Contributing to our cause is easy.

  • Bring your cans to Mass and leave them in the bins at the back of the church.
  • Donations must be dropped off before Monday, November 13th.
  • We encourage everyone in our community to participate and help us reach our goal.

We thank everyone in advance for their support and contributions. Remember, every can counts! Your single contribution could mean a warm, satisfying meal for someone in need. Let’s come together and make this Thanksgiving a special one for everyone. After all, the spirit of Thanksgiving is all about sharing our blessings and showing gratitude. Help us spread the love and warmth this festive season. Happy Thanksgiving!

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