“Back To School” PTA Meeting

Sponsored By The SMOS PTA

Tuesday, September 12, 2023 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
School – 3964 Castleman Ave., Saint Louis, 63110

Facebook Event: https://fb.me/e/aFd7TgD0P

Join us for our September “Back To School” PTA Meeting!

This will be a social meet-and-greet type of meeting. Feel free to BYOB!! Weather permitting, meeting will be outside. Bring a lawn chair to sit on.

There will be a little bit of business, a presentation from the School Board on last year’s parent survey results, and a lot of time to find out what the PTA is all about.


Meet other parents and get details about the fun things the PTA is doing this year and how YOU can participate and be more involved in your kids’ school!

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