School Shoutouts 09-21-23

As part of Friday announcements, Principal Holley likes to give shout outs to our students who get caught doing acts of kindness around school.  We would like to share with you our weekly shout-outs.  

Marjorie (a fourth grade student) would like to shout out Althea and Lola for holding a door for their class.  

Ms. Kasch would like to shout out Beck in eighth grade for being a great soccer friend to some kindergarten and first grade students.  

Mrs. Komos would like to shout out the parents who are helping out on Mass days.  She can attest to how much better it feels having the extra help as they walk to Mass. Ms. Komos also would like to shout out to Francesca G. in fifth grade for setting a great example in following the SMOS charisms and Rose O. in 4th grade for greeting adults with a warm hello and a big smile on her face. 

Mrs. Redman would like to shout out the following students for being reported by their classmates for kind acts: Cecilia S., Willa S., Matteo P., London L., Nelle K., Alexander H., Colin C., and Ewan B

Mrs. Chrostoski would like to shout out Ivy H. and Novi R. for their awesome participation in Mass this week! Ivy set a great example of when to sing, how to put down books quietly, and when to kneel. Great job friends!

Mrs. Clark would like to shout out Luke B. (6th grade) who was a super example of behavior for the Kindergarten buddies at Mass this week.  She saw him helping them remember the correct thing to do during prayer.

Mrs. Shearer would like to shout out to Mrs. Cheatham’s Third Grade Class that was so quiet waiting for PE, that two teachers complimented them walking by! Great job Guys!!

Mrs. Heithaus would shout out the following: Victor G. for being kind to everyone and playing fairly at recess. Poppy P. for holding the door for 4th grade. Ms. Hoover for doing a stellar job teaching first grade this year, and 1C for going out of their way to create cards for people who are being served by our parish’s St. Vincent de Paul Society.


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