School Shoutouts 10-19-23

As part of Friday announcements, Principal Holley likes to give shout outs to our students who get caught doing acts of kindness around school.  We would like to share with you our weekly shout-outs.  

Mrs. Cheatham would like to shout out to Ms. Kirner’s Class for being an excellent example of being quiet in the hallway while leaving PE.

Ms. Clark would like to shout out Miguel K-S. who gave up some of his recess to hold open the door for her whole class to go to lunch.

Mrs. Joyce would like to Teddy C. for answering our question about evangelists correctly, and Addie R., Mary D., & Frances F. for always being such a great help in the classroom, especially helping file papers. 

Sara Loser would like to shout out the Art Room Managers. They are all doing a great job at making sure things get done without being asked. She would also like to shout out the Students Making Placemats for the Ukrainian refugee dinner being held at the SMOS rectory in January – they are giving of their free time to do this service. 

Ms. Hoover would like to shout out her 7th Grade Buddies, specifically, Will O., Audrey M., & Zach B. Also, shoutout to Fletcher R., who helped water all the plants in her classroom!


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