School Board – November 2023 Meeting Highlights

Recap of November’s School Board Meeting

The Budget and School Calendar were discussed. The Health Committee proposed five sectors to focus on medical, mental health, physical health, neuro-divergent learners, and gender to see what, if any, new school policies can be developed while still maintaining fidelity to current school and Archdiocesan documents.  The Education Committee is meeting with the administration to discuss the latest Iowa test results.  They will also meet to discuss the School Improvement Plan and review current school policies related to academics.

Also, the Technology Committee is in need of people outside the Board to help create a sustainable plan for the school’s laptops, computers, Smart Boards, etc.  Please email if you are interested in assisting.

December’s Meeting is next Wednesday (12/20) and is an executive session, closed to the public.  There are two meetings in January – the first (1/10) is also an executive session – a joint meeting with the School Board and parish Finance Committee.  However, the second meeting is on Wednesday, January 17 at 7:00pm – it is a regular meeting in Purcell Hall and open to the public to attend.


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