Principal’s Message 08-17-23

St. Margaret of Scotland Families:

What a whirlwind of a month!  The beginning of the school year is always a special time.  There is an undeniable hope, positivity, and excitement.  I think it is especially true this year as we begin the 2023-2024 school year.  There is so much that is new and exciting. 

One new thing is the format of our weekly newsletter through Flocknote.  Please bear with us as we use this new tool.

Know that I remain both honored and humbled by the prospect of leading this wonderful school community.  My mission is to make sure that your children meet Jesus Christ everyday both in what we do, but also in how we treat each other.  I am excited to continue this mission at St. Margaret of Scotland in the context of our special charism of inclusivity, diversity, and equity using the tenets of Catholic Social Teachings.

Our motto around here is ‘In the End it’s the beginning that counts’.  We have many beginnings happening right now.  I encourage you all to make them count.

God Bless, 
Patrick Holley 


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