St. Margaret of Scotland Families:
This Wednesday at Mass, we heard the Gospel story of Jesus telling us not to hide our light away, but to let it shine. I cannot help but think of all of the opportunities we have to let our light shine during the course of the week. We have so many kids with different strengths and talents. It is within this diversity that we find our strength at St. Margaret of Scotland. We complement each other every day to help everyone meet their potential. It is truly an awesome thing to be a part of and I am thankful for the opportunity to be part of it.

We had our first fire drill this week and our kids did a great job. I had members of the safety committee in each building to take notes on what went well and what we may need to look at procedurally. I also finished and submitted a grant application for school safety upgrades. Please say a prayer that we receive the full amount.
God Bless,
Patrick Holley