St. Margaret of Scotland Families:
The season of Advent is a very special time in a Catholic school. The anticipation for Christmas and the coming of Jesus truly becomes evident in the joy and love that we have for each other in the school. Advent officially starts this Sunday, December 3. I encourage you to talk to your children about all of the special Advent and Christmas projects and activities that are happening at SMOS.

This week is the week of Reconciliation at St. Margaret of Scotland. All of our students (who are able to) in Grades 3-8 received the Sacrament this week. We are also celebrating the First Reconciliation of our Second Graders on Saturday. I cannot tell you how lucky we are to have the opportunity to be a part of the spiritual growth of our students. Please pray for them as they continue their spiritual growth by participating in this most important Sacrament.
Have a great weekend,
Patrick Holley