Principal’s Message 12-14-23

St. Margaret of Scotland Families:

This week I would like to point out the hard work of our Student Council (STUCO) who are helping get us in the Christmas spirit.  They helped Mrs. Heithaus pass out treats during the feast day of St. Nicholas, they played Christmas music over the PA system on Tuesday and led mini-dance parties, they are holding a door decorating contest, and they are sponsoring a St. Vincent de Paul Dress Down Day tomorrow.  I am so impressed with these young people as they step up and lead our school. 

Trust when I say we have a truly special community here at St. Margaret of Scotland.  I have been extremely impressed with the generosity of the parent and parish community.  We have a lot of to be thankful for this Advent season. Know that I am incredibly grateful for all of you.

God bless,

Patrick Holley


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