CRE Update 09-28-23

Introducing Families in Faith!

This fellowship program is meant for any and all SMOS parents and is an opportunity to grow in faith and friendship with one another.

Families in Faith is a two-part program. The first part involves practical ideas to help families center themselves in Christ. These ideas will be published in the bulletin and newsletter at the beginning of each month. The second part is a fellowship opportunity.  These one-hour-long social events will include a short talk followed by discussion opportunities, practical tips and activities to take home, and a lot of socializing. Childcare will be provided. Here are the Families in Faith Fellowship Sessions that are coming up and the topics that will be addressed:

  • October 19: Taking Children to Mass
  • January 18: Answering the Tough Questions
  • March 14: Walking Through the Bible
  • May 16: Praying with Children

All fellowship sessions are held from 7:00-8:00pm in the school cafeteria.  Click here to sign up!

This Friday, September 29 is the feast of the Guardian Angels, and Monday (October 2) is the feast of the Archangels. As such, we spent the week reading and learning about angels. Every one of us has our own guardian angel, so children were given the chance to show us what their angel looks like. Here are some of the results!


Have a question or comment about the St. Margaret of Scotland school community? We’d love to hear from you!

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