Tonight’s gathering of Families in Faith has been POSTPONED until April 11. There will be NO event tonight. Taking place in our school cafeteria, these informal get-togethers are geared toward families looking to build community here in our parish and school. All are welcome! We will gather at 7:00pm and childcare is provided. Please RSVP using the link below, so that we know how many children will need care! The link has been updated to show the new, correct date.
Please join us tomorrow (Friday) morning for Parent Prayer! The weather is warming up, so be sure to meet us at the Hesed Outdoor Classroom to start your day with a little bit of Jesus.
Last week our 2-8th grade students participated in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This sacrament is an incredible gift that we are offered because of Christ’s unending love for us. If you are interested in going before Easter, the sacrament is offered at most parishes in our area each weekend, often before the parish’s Saturday evening Mass. You are welcome to come to Reconciliation here at St. Margaret every Saturday afternoon starting at 3:30!

As you might have heard by now, our students are participating in Stations of the Cross each week during Lent. Sometimes this takes place in the church, but we are also finding new ways to engage with this form of prayer here in our school building. Last week each class did a Stations of the Cross activity with their school buddies. They drew a picture and wrote a prayer to represent each station.

Many of our classes are participating in the Parish Pen Pal program. Some of our 3rd graders doing service at Isaiah 58 Ministries were in for a fun surprise when they realized that their pen pal from last year, parishioner Kitty Quinn, was there working at Isaiah 58 with them! It was a great chance to strengthen the connection between our parishioners and our school children. If you are interested in learning more about the Pen Pal program or if you want to become a pen pal please reach out to me!