Worship Commission


Greeters provide a warm and welcoming environment for all who enter St. Margaret of Scotland Church to worship.

This ministry may well be one of the most important duties of the parish family. These ministers are often the first face of our community to those who come to our services for the first time.  As parishioners and visitors enter the Church before Mass, Greeters offer a smile and a word of welcome; worship aids such as Missalettes, special song sheets and church bulletins; and any needed guidance or assistance while at Church.  Their job is to be the welcoming, inviting face for all of us, a face that says, “We are so glad you are here.”

Ministers usually serve at one liturgy approximately every three months, so it is not a burden of time for anyone. Also, families are more than welcome to share in this ministry – not many volunteer opportunities like that!

Outside of ministering at liturgical celebrations at Church, the Greeters Ministry hosts events to further social connections among parishioners. Events range from formal “New Parishioner Gatherings” to informal “After Mass Meet and Greets” in the Church Basement during coffee and donuts.