Annual Catholic Appeal

Are you looking to get involved in parish life but can’t commit a lot of time or hours on a regular basis?  The ACA is a perfect place for you to become involved and donate some time on a limited basis, for a short 4-6 week period.

2024 Annual Catholic Appeal

Support of the Annual Catholic Appeal means thousands will find grace and mercy and have the resources they need. We help and serve others not because they are Catholic, but because we are Catholic. Learn how our efforts at St. Margaret of Scotland can help those in need and help build the church!

Watch the video below and visit for more information.

How to Help

When Jesus gathered with His disciples at the Last Supper, He left us His greatest gift in the
Eucharist “for the life of the world” (Jn 6:51).

It is Christ’s sacrifice that inspires us to make sacrifices of our own to radiate His light and bring His hope to others. Thank you for responding to the Lord’s gift of Himself in the Eucharist through your generosity and stewardship to the Annual Catholic Appeal.

United in His mission of love, we make Christ present throughout the Archdiocese of St. Louis and lead others to Him through life-giving ministries and programs. Your gift becomes hope and healing for the most vulnerable and spreads His love and mercy.

Please prayerfully consider making a gift to this year’s Appeal after Mass. Your contribution will help strengthen ministries and programs right here at St. Margaret of Scotland. You can learn more about how you can be Christ’s hands and feet and share His Love For the Life of the World by visiting



Give Now

Give Now

A gift to St. Margaret of Scotland supports our mission to be a “beacon of the Catholic faith in our neighborhoods”.
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Gift Planning

Gift Planning

Our mission statement at St. Margaret of Scotland calls us to “serve others with unconditional generosity”.
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Commemorative Court

Commemorative Court

Celebrating a family's connection with the parish, recalling a loved one, or marking a special event such as a baptism or wedding are just some of the many good reasons to dedicate a paver.
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Annual Report

Annual Report

When you give to St. Margaret of Scotland, you are spreading the Catholic faith locally.
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Have a question or comment about the St. Margaret of Scotland parish community? We’d love to hear from you!

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