Enrichment Activities

Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity

St. Margaret of Scotland has long valued diversity and is continually working to improve our community’s individual and collective efforts. This call to action comes from our mission, from our tradition begun in earnest under former principal Sister John Mandeville’s leadership, and in conjunction with the U.S. bishops’ renewed call to identify racism as a sin in need of healing.

St. Margaret’s has a Coordinator of Inclusion, Diversity, & Equity (CIDE) on staff, Mr. Corey Shorter, who manages and plans diversity efforts at the school.  He runs the Diversity Council for students, and works very closely with the PTA’s Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Committee.

Activities and Programs

No Place for Hate
St. Margaret of Scotland is a designated No Place for Hate school. No Place for Hate is a self-directed program helping all of the stakeholders take the lead on improving and maintaining school climate so all students can thrive.

STL Mosaic Project Project
The St. Louis Mosaic Project Ambassador School program encourages member schools to reinforce an internationally welcoming and inclusive culture through pledges unique to each school. St. Margaret of Scotland is proud to be an Ambassador school.

Monthly Heritage Studies
Each month, the entire school body focuses on a selected heritage, studying customs and history throughout the month, culminating in a prayer service.

National Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month (Sept 15 – Oct 15)

National Disability Employment Awareness Month
National Italian American Heritage Month

National American Indian Heritage Month

African American History Month

National Women’s History Month
Irish-American Heritage Month

National Deaf History Month (March 13 – April 15)

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
Older Americans Month
Jewish American Heritage Month

LBGQT Pride Month

Anti-Defamation League Dinner & Dialogue
Led by the ADL, these parent dinners are conversations on race relations, diversity, and inclusion. The dinners are a potluck and babysitting is provided.

Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Training for Staff
Throughout the year, teachers and administration will participate in training and workshops led by the Anti-Defamation League.

The Mandeville Fund 
The Mandeville Multicultural Fund has been established to provide assistance to minority families who are not necessarily Catholic, who live in the city, and who desire an education at St. Margaret of Scotland School. The scholarship fund is maintained by contributions from parish and school families.


Latest Inclusion, Diversity, & Equity News

CIDE Update 09-12-24
I hope that you will be able to join us tomorrow morning for the first I&D Committee Meeting of this ...
CIDE Update 08-29-24
This past week, we were thrilled to kick off our 2024-2025 Student Diversity Council. Students gathered for our first meeting, ...
CIDE Update 08-22-24
Welcome back, dragons! We are thrilled to kick off the 2024-2025 school year. I hope everyone had a fantastic and ...
CIDE Update 05-16-24
Don't forget to join us tomorrow morning for the final I&D Meeting of the School year - in the Teacher's ...
CIDE Update 05-09-24
The school's celebration of the SMOS 'No Place For Hate' program, sponsored by the Student Diversity Council, has been a ...
CIDE Update 05-02-24
Remember that next week, May 6-10, St. Margaret of Scotland will be participating in the “No Place for Hate” program ...